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Daniel Power

WH 2012-2017

I would like to thank all those who gifted me the opportunity to go to Tonbridge. I will always look back a my time here fondly.


I just want to say how grateful I am for the opportunity you have given me at Tonbridge. I have had a memorable five years, made friends and taken part in many activities at the school.

I think one of my favourite activities at Tonbridge was Tonbridge Community Action (TCA). For the last two years I have been doing art with the patients at the Hospice in the Weald and pretty much ran it in my final year. It was a great way for me to combine my interest in art, which I did at Tonbridge until sixth form, with my hope to go to medical school.

I am currently on a gap year, volunteering with a grassroots movement, working in a camp with refugees from the Syrian war and other conflicts in the region on the island of Samos in Greece. We act as first responders for the refugees coming off the boats, often in a desperate state. We also organise educational and other activities for the refugees designed to instil a sense of normality, combat boredom, and empower people while they wait for their asylum to be processed. Amongst other things, I run art and keep fit classes. In the keep fit classes I deploy the fitness routines that I learnt in Tonbridge. I have set up a running club which is proving popular with the refugees. I am keeping my eye out for the next Mo Farah! I am learning Arabic and Farsi in order to communicate with the refugees who cannot speak English. After my gap year I aim to go to medical school”.

Daniel is an aspiring medic and aims to attend medical school after his gap year.
  • (WH 2012-2017)