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Distinctions, Golds and ‘Top in the country’ for Tonbridge students in latest Maths competitions 

Top results for Tonbridge students in latest Maths competitions

Tonbridge boys achieved excellent results in the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 2 (BMO2) and the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge (IMC), both of which took place in the previous half-term.

Eight students – Isaac King (CH5), Justin Leung (HS5), Moncef Slimani (JH5), Sam Zang (FH4), Toby Gu (PH4), Ralph Edmondson (OH4), Justin Leung (JH3) and Alex Chui (CH3) – took part in the Second Round of the Olympiad, an extremely challenging national examination, consisting of four questions in three and a half hours, open only to the top 100 Maths students across the country.

Alex came top in the country and was the only student to score the maximum 40 points. Isaac (32 points) and Sam (20) also earned Distinctions. There were Merits for Justin (HS), Toby and Ralph.

The Intermediate Maths Challenge, a multiple choice questionnaire lasting an hour, is aimed at Years 11 and below. In this competition, the School earned an impressive total of 79 Gold, 54 Silver and 19 Bronze awards.

Also in the IMC:
* The four top-scoring Novi, awarded Gold, qualify for the Cayley Olympiads; 
* Seven top-scoring Second Years, awarded Gold, qualify for the Hamilton Olympiads;
* Four top-scoring Third Years, awarded Gold, qualify for the Maclaurin Olympiads; 
* A total of 19 Novi, 13 Second Years and 14 Third Years also earned a place in the Kangaroo;
* Overall, 61 Tonbridge boys qualified for further rounds.

Alex Chui (CH3) achieved full marks with 135 in the IMC. Noah Chan’s (JH1) score of 127 was the best in the Novi. Yijun Wang (PH2) topped the Second Year with 120 and Justin Leung (JH3) came second in the Third Year with an excellent 130.

The competitions are run by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust, with early stages open to students from all schools and colleges in the country. The BMO2 is the last stage of challenges before the official selection for the British team’s International Maths Olympiad (IMO).

Last year, Isaac King and Alex Chui took part in the international stage in Tokyo. Both were awarded Gold medals, an achievement which placed them among the top 54 students in the world.


  • academic
  • mathematics