Tonbridge School aims to provide an environment in which there are effective procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all boys in our care. The School starts from the premise that the welfare of the child is paramount.
We aim to establish an atmosphere where boys feel secure, know that there are adults to whom they can talk in times of difficulty and where positive steps are taken to build self-esteem and confidence. Our ethos is based on open communication and rapport between members of the School community. Boys trust the adults around them and understand that they can always speak to someone. Boys feel secure in confiding with members of staff, as they know positive steps will be taken to build self-esteem, confidence and help sort any issues they may be facing.
All members of School staff undertake safeguarding training and recognise that they all have a responsibility to uphold and maintain a safe environment for our boys. The School works with Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-agency Partnership which include third-parties such as social care, health services and the police.
In addition, boys have other avenues to report concerns including the ABC, an anonymous reporting system, Independent Person and the School Counsellor. Safeguarding and pastoral matters are reviewed on a continual basis to reflect the ever-changing developments needed for effective safeguarding. We encourage all members of our community, past and present, to raise their concerns no matter how trivial they may perceive it to be.
The School takes all allegations concerning boys in relation to welfare or bullying issues extremely seriously and all information about what we do and how you can act on any concerns you have can be found in our Safeguarding Policy below.
Please contact a member of the safeguarding team with any concerns you may have. You can do this by clicking on the email link of the relevant staff member or by completing the form below or by calling the School and asking to speak to one of the DSL team.
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Learning Strategies
The Learning Strategies Department is responsible for ensuring that Tonbridge School is an educationally inclusive environment.